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Sepp Blatter are entitled Nobel Prize

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has said that football's world governing body FIFA president Sepp Blatter Nobel peace prize are entitled.

However, football's world governing body FIFA is under corruption charges. Year 2018 World Cup to Russia are also being investigated.
Earlier this month, FIFA president Sepp Blatter was imposed, respectively, in the 2010 world championships in Qatar and Russia would continue to hold a plebiscite on the organization of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his German counterpart Christian Wolf insisted.
Russia's president gave an interview on Swiss television said Sepp Blatter or international sports federation such as the Olympic Games or the heads of particular value should be.
"If a Nobel prize which they are entitled.

It was announced that Sepp Blatter June to leave his post because of the seven officials of FIFA's arrest and the ongoing investigation in the United States. Overall, 14 people in their investigation have been indicted.
Similar to the Swiss authorities are investigating how the year 2018 and 2022 World Cup host countries was different.
79-year-old Sepp Blatter after his statement that the new official selection of merchandise that is in February next year to continue its work. They are also saying that his conscience is clear.
Vladimir Putin said, adding that this time around, the situations are Sepp Blatter they are aware of it.
"I want to go into details, but I say about his involvement in corruption who do not believe a word.